We are full-time artists, married for ten years and passionate about living life to the full.
Our sonic laboratory, located near Lisbon, Portugal, is home to us and our four Labrador Retrievers: Hummock, Bob, Françoise and Edith.
Music is our primary form of expression, but we also create a lot of other stuff. This includes writing articles for our blog, creating artwork and videos, designing art installations, experimenting in our sound lab, geeking out over bass and guitar, producing podcasts, trying out new recipes, film photography and anything else that catches our interest.
If you'd like to support our work directly, paid subscriptions help keep our creative process flowing and the wheels on the tour bus turning. You can also access exclusive content, videos, discounts, and our regular livestream concerts.
VIBES offers a thoughtful and (hopefully) amusing blend of articles about life, culture, music technology and our art - plus the occasional podcast
BANDCAMP hosts our music and merchandise. It gives you unlimited access to all the music we have ever created - both together and individually
STARLITE.ONE links to our multimedia projects
Visit our about page to discover more about us and what we are up to.
We look forward to sharing our passion with you.
Much love
Suzy & Simon